Your Counselor

Ashley Lott, MS, LPC
Hello, my name is Ashley Lott and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the states of Texas and Florida. I initially started in this field as a mental health professional who visited homes to work with children and their parents in the community where I grew up. This is where I had an “aha” moment and realized that many of us grow up in dysfunctional environments and enter adulthood with an unstable foundation. I thought I wanted to become a Guardian Ad Litem, focusing on children, but over time, my passion evolved into wanting to make a difference for anyone who crossed my path.
This led me to go back to school to pursue my Master’s Degree in Community Counseling, four years after receiving my Bachelor’s Degree in Family Studies with a focus on child development. Throughout my journey, I have made a solemn promise to dedicate the rest of my professional and personal life to helping others navigate this roller coaster we call life.
My areas of expertise include working in both inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities. I have experience working with children in their homes for behavior management and emotional regulation; with women and children in a domestic violence shelter; with parents on various parenting skills and psychoeducation about parenthood and child development; with men in an inpatient facility; and with a variety of individuals in their homes to provide therapy for numerous issues.
Most of us define insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So I must ask you: if what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working, why not try something new and different? The first step, my friend, is to come in, sit down, talk with me, and let me help you in a safe environment.
Warm and empathetic regards,